Sunday, July 15, 2012

My patience is getting bad.

I wish I could express it out like how she did. Everytime I fake that smile while address her I just turn around and sigh. Nobody I can say it to, I'm not in any position to comment about it. Am I so detestable? I honestly think that I did what I can being a dil, you did nothing as a mom not even mil. Your son is in a very down period, instead of understanding you brought him more problems. To me, if you have never try to help our problems, you have no right to comment about it. Before you wanna say how bad we did, think about have you try to help? Only pushing us deeper and deeper. Probably it's my hormones, but I'm worried I might just ignore her one day. You want people to respect you, respect others first, no matter how old are you, this is the rule.

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